Timothy Lee Miller/composer

Commission New Music

Following are some questions and answers, along with some guidelines to help you decide whether commissioning a new work is for you. If you have any questions regarding the process that are not outlined below, please do not hesitate to contact me. Commissioning a new is a colloaborative process between the commissioning party (you) and the composer (me), and it need not be a scary process. It's fun and highly rewarding to have a new work written for you.

Why commission a new work?

          To celebrate a historic event, a milestone anniversary, an inauguration, or a building dedication

          To honor a retiring conductor, mentor, community leader, or friend

          To have an original composition written especially for you or your ensemble/organization

          To make your special event unforgettable with the excitement of a world premiere

          To create the opportunity for your musicians to work with a living composer

          To create new repertoire for a particular instrument or genre

          To enrich the world of concert music with a new work that will always carry your name as the commissioning party

How does the commissioning process begin?

     Commissioning a new work begins with you and I discussing your ideas >> tlmillmus@gmail.com

I will need to know:

          the purpose or occasion

          your ideas concerning theme, style, or possible narrative text

          the performing forces (soloist, trio, chorus, full orchestra, symphonic band?)

          the musical abilities of the performers (professionals, students, amateurs?)

          the approximate duration desired

          the spacial/antiphonal possibilities of the space in which the work will be premiere

          Will you want me present at the final rehearsals to work with your musicians and/or at the premiere for audience "meet

            the composer" activities such as pre-concert talks or audience Q&A?

How much does it cost to commission a new work?

     The commissioning fee depends primarily on:

          the duration of the proposed work 

          the number of performers involved

          the deadline

    •     Click this link for a guideline to suggested commissioning amounts >> All About Commissions

How can a commission be funded?

          An ensemble or organization's budget may well have sufficient funds.

          Patrons may be found who would happily support a commission.

          Businesses may support the commission as a form of public relations and community enrichment. The business would be

            recoginzed in the printed program and its representatives appear on stage at the premiere.

          Consortiums may be formed with similar ensembles in other towns or states. Several ensembles agree to share the

            commission fee, and each gives a premiere in their own home town (perhaps even simultaneous premieres on the same


          There are a number of private foundations that will support commissions that are in alignment with the foundation's


          There are a number of "crowd funding" programs that may be used to help raise the funds, and many are tax deductable.

            For more information, follow this link >> Crowd Funding

How can we get started?

           Send an email to tlmillmus@gmail.com and let's begin discussing your ideas.

    •      Further information and resources about commissioning a new work can be found on the American Composers

             Forum website by clicking >> HERE.